Springpad dice Adiós

Springpad Good Bye

Esta es la carta que han enviado a todos sus usuarios:

We are very sorry to announce that Springpad will be shutting down on June 25th. At that point, Springpad.com will no longer be available and all online and sync features of the mobile apps will stop working.
It’s our top priority to help you during this transition. We have created multiple ways for you to take next steps with your Springpad data including a full Evernote migration option, a viewable html data backup and an importable file for other services to use. Please visit https://springpad.com/savemystuff before June 25th to export your data.

En pocas palabras, cerrará el 25 de Junio y sus servicios como sus aplicaciones dejarán de ser accesibles. Una mala noticia para quienes usaban este servicio como una alternativa a Evernote o a servicios similares.

Adiós Springpad, gracias por el gran servicio 😀

Por el momento quedan alternativas como:

Nota oficial de Springpad en:


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